Free AI Image Generator

Transform your text into stunning images with Piktochart AI image generator. Create the perfect image for any project and make your work stand out with minimal effort.

Explore our AI design generator

The fastest way to generate AI images

piktochart ai infographic background imagegenerate ai images with piktochart ai image generator

Instant Generation

Bring your vision to life

Unlock the power of effortless design with Piktochart AI image generator. Simply insert your text prompt and transform your words and ideas into stunning, high-quality AI-generated images in seconds.

Perfect for marketers, content creators, educators, and anyone in need of captivating visuals, Piktochart AI image generator offers unparalleled ease and creativity.

generate images that are contextualized to your needs with piktochart ai image generator

Limitless Creativity

Create anything with AI image generator

Go stock photos and generate images that are contextualized to your needs with our advanced AI model. Put your creativity to the test and generate highly realistic images that make you stand out.

From fantastical landscapes to futuristic designs, the possibilities are endless with our generative AI. This makes it easy for anyone, regardless of design experience, to create stunning visuals.

Professional-Looking Design

Designs that cover all your needs

Discover our suite of innovative AI-powered design generators that help you effortlessly create beautiful visuals for your projects in seconds. Whether it’s for a banner, Instagram post, or poster, Piktochart AI text-to-image generator creates visuals designed for you without the need to start from scratch.

Our powerful editing tools make it easy to tweak templates and create designs that are uniquely yours. Adjust colors, styles, and layouts to match your brand or personal preferences.

Try our AI design generator

Piktochart AI formats that support AI image generator

AI Banner Find out more
AI Instagram Post Generator Find out more
AI Poster Find out more

How to Generate an AI Image from Text

1. Select a format 

Choose a format that supports AI image generation– poster, Instagram post, or banner. Enter a text prompt (up to 120 characters) for your topic. You can also input your existing content and let our AI algorithm design a customized design for you.

2. Pick a template

Piktochart AI generates a variety of professional-looking templates based on your topic. Pick your preferred template as a starting point.

3. Generate text to image

Hover over an image in the template to change it. Then, turn your text into an image by describing the image you want to generate. In seconds, you’ll see a variety of high-quality images tailored to your prompt. Clicking ‘Inspire Me’ will give some examples and ideas of text prompts. Your AI images will be saved in My Uploads in the editor for future projects.

4. Further customize your design

Tailor your design by changing the fonts and colors to match your vision. Our vast collection of design elements such as illustrations and icons make it easy for you to refine your design further.

Ready to use AI to generate images from text?

Join more than 11 million people who already design with Piktochart.


Sign up for a free Piktochart account and receive 50 AI credits each month to explore our AI capabilities. Credits are used based on features, with 1 credit for topic generation, 3 credits for pasting text or uploading documents, and 6 credits for image generation. Upgraded plans come with even more credits: 500 credits for EDU/NPO Pro, 1,000 for Pro, and 3,000 for Business/Enterprise subscribers, all renewed monthly. Unlock advanced features and unlimited editing by upgrading to one of our premium plans for maximum creativity and flexibility. Learn more here.

We recommend you to be as descriptive as possible about the intent of your image. Include the keyword of interest in your text prompt for better result.

Yes, all your AI-generated images will be saved in My Uploads in the Piktochart editor and can be used for future visual projects.

Yes, you need a free Piktochart account to access our AI image generator and create up to 3 images per month. Upgrade to Pro or Business for more monthly AI image generations.

AI image generator offers numerous advantages, making it an invaluable tool for anyone involved in creative work. Traditional design processes can be time-consuming, but with AI, you can generate images in seconds. Enhance your creative projects, improve productivity, and achieve professional-quality results effortlessly with text-to-image technology.

Read our terms of use here.